Why would a person get sick after being injected with MRI contrast in their IV?


One time in the hospital suffering from gi problems I had to drink a certain amount of liquid contrast for an MRI on my stomach , then when I was brought down to the room with the machine the nurse administered the IV dye or contrast and not even two minutes later I had to yell help because I got really sick . Am I allergic to the dye used for MRIs or was it a random occurrance? I felt instantly hot and sick . I have no known allergies could this potentially be one? Thanks in advance guys!

In: 13

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It also depends on the brand of contrast used. When we used multihance mri contrast, EVERYONE puked. Violently. Our hospital has switched brands numerous times, all seem to have different reactions. We use Dotarem now, which has very few reactions.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hot and sick doesn’t sound like an allergic reaction to me if those were your only symptoms.

Were you treated for an allergic reaction during this experience? Did they give you antihistamines or epinephrine? If not, it probably wasn’t an allergic reaction.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I know a man who went into full-body anaphylactic shock from the MRI dye. He is essentially fully paralyzed (can whisper, move a finger a little) from the experience. It is really rare but these things do happen.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had an allergic reaction to IV contrast dye. Less than 1 min after the IV started, my eyes started watering, I sneezed, and felt itchy and sick. They gave me an allergy medicine and now I have to tell this story at least once every time I go to any medical appointment at any facility for any reason. Joking & not joking! They said that just because I only sneezed last time doesn’t mean my throat won’t swell shut next time. They only caught it because I sneezed. I hope you aren’t also allergic. They said it’s sometimes related to shellfish allergy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The same thing happened to me when I was injected with contrast. I’m certain it was contrast they were injecting as I didn’t drink anything for the test. Burning skin and feeling hot and woozy.