Why would physical copies of classified documents need to be retained when high speed scanners can create digital copies that are much easier to hide?


Why would physical copies of classified documents need to be retained when high speed scanners can create digital copies that are much easier to hide?

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25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I can do you one better, there’s a hard drive in Xerox machines. There are people who lease used Xerox machines and go through the hard drive for private data. I saw this on an expose and the Xerox that they used was from a police station.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Restricting access is simply way easier with physical copies. You need to find where they are keeping them, gain access and leave without getting caught or seen or leaving any traces leading to you.

In short, you need to do a National Treasure type of heist where you don’t know where they keep the constitution. Good luck.

(If the president doesn’t bring them to his golf club)

Anonymous 0 Comments

To the OP. I get the I’m-reassign your talking about after the documents left the WH?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think what we are getting at was the documents Trump had. I wondered that same thing but in reverse. Why did he have physical documents? He could have scanned them all to a thumb drive no one would have ever found. He could have handed them all back to the national archives with a Oops these must have gotten mixed up with my stuff. And we would have never known. Not one person around him thought of this?? Or they did and the have much much more on a drive some where.

Anonymous 0 Comments

That’s why many countries switch back to typewriters when it was disclosed cpus have an separate tcp/up stack (intel management engine) and has a version too