Why would rumors about Haitian immigrants promote bomb threats in Springfield, OH?

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So, I know about the rumors (cats, dogs, &c.) and I’ve heard about several bomb threats to schools, purportedly from non-US sources.

I don’t understand the connection. Last I checked, no-one was rushing to defend Haiti/Hatians. Who’s behind these threats and why?

Honestly asking: not trying to encourage political mud-slinging.

In: Other

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some kooks always just want to be part of the zeitgeist, but I think I’ve seen or heard in at least 2 places that most of the calls are not coming from “inside the house” but are being placed by foreign actors.

I took that to mean that all the people who text you things like “Hello Sheila? This is Mia. Oh no I am so sorry I just realize now that my assistant must have given me wrong number I am embarrassed but hope I have not ruined your beautiful day Here is my pic” will also have no problem calling in bomb threats to local schools etc. just for the usual chaos.

There was a gas explosion local to me many years ago and everyone online was talking about it being a military storming of an underground sex trafficking bunker. Someone on a weird online channel cottoned onto the term “feeder school” for some local prep school chat and swore that teenagers at these schools were being trafficked into local tunnels.

What was it really? A self-important Ivy League dude who forgot to call dig safe or do a survey before renting his own backhoe because he was too cheap to pay a landscaper who would have known better. Blew up like half the block.

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