So, I know about the rumors (cats, dogs, &c.) and I’ve heard about several bomb threats to schools, purportedly from non-US sources.
I don’t understand the connection. Last I checked, no-one was rushing to defend Haiti/Hatians. Who’s behind these threats and why?
Honestly asking: not trying to encourage political mud-slinging.
In: Other
>Honestly asking: not trying to encourage political mud-slinging.
Political mud-slinging *is* what’s going on here.
It’s a made up, racist story with zero facts invented by right wing groups and repeated by media and presidential candidates in order to generate sentiments on racism and xenophobia.
This is a tried and true strategy for stoking racial violence in order to sway public perception. On the most direct level, point was to smear the Haitian immigrants, then blame the left for allowing them into the country in the first place.
One step removed, if you can get your in-group to start committing acts of violence against your target group, then you can push them into leaving (or dying. Either way you’re rid of them). It’s a roundabout attempt at racial cleansing.
This playbook isn’t new. Look up “Blood Libel”
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