why would you need a pre amp for speakers/headphones


I understand the point of an amp is to boost the power going to the equipment but everytime I look up what preamps do I just get confused on why they are nessecary and how they affect it differently than an amp. Is it just a separate signal booster in the chain? When would you need one? Why wouldn’t a stronger amp do the same thing or have it built in already?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The output from some devices like microphones or electric guitars or whatever is pathetically weak. Like, the signal that comes out of a guitar’s pickup is really not powerful at all. Stronger than noise, but not by a whole lot. The pre-amp boosts the signal so that it actually is significantly stronger than the noise. That makes it easier and less complicated to process that signal down the chain, since the separation between signal and noise is now much clearer.

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