Why would you want to use a suppository over a pill, shot, lotion, etc?


Why would you want to use a suppository over a pill, shot, lotion, etc?

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39 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can’t throw it up. You do not need to be able to swallow. It spreads quickly through your system. It is fairly easy to access.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When I had my tonsils out, the nurse showed me two enormous tablets and I croaked, “I can’t swallow those”.

She told me that they weren’t for swallowing, and raised her eyebrow.

I croaked, “I don’t think I can do that” and she said, “You certainly can do that. You’ve had two when you were asleep and they fit just fine”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it’s fun. Butt seriously (pun intended), some people have explained things below like it bypasses nausea and the need to swallow, which can be important in many instances. However, another important factor is that many medications, whether by intentional design or by the nature of the medicines chemical structure, aren’t absorbed well after passing through the stomach acids or through muscle. This means they need to be absorbed directly through intestinal lining. The only way to do that while bypassing the stomach is to go the other way.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can’t throw it up. You do not need to be able to swallow. It spreads quickly through your system. It is fairly easy to access.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When I had my tonsils out, the nurse showed me two enormous tablets and I croaked, “I can’t swallow those”.

She told me that they weren’t for swallowing, and raised her eyebrow.

I croaked, “I don’t think I can do that” and she said, “You certainly can do that. You’ve had two when you were asleep and they fit just fine”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it’s fun. Butt seriously (pun intended), some people have explained things below like it bypasses nausea and the need to swallow, which can be important in many instances. However, another important factor is that many medications, whether by intentional design or by the nature of the medicines chemical structure, aren’t absorbed well after passing through the stomach acids or through muscle. This means they need to be absorbed directly through intestinal lining. The only way to do that while bypassing the stomach is to go the other way.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When I had my tonsils out, the nurse showed me two enormous tablets and I croaked, “I can’t swallow those”.

She told me that they weren’t for swallowing, and raised her eyebrow.

I croaked, “I don’t think I can do that” and she said, “You certainly can do that. You’ve had two when you were asleep and they fit just fine”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most people do not want suppositories they are simple necessary. There are some conditions involving your rear end where basically the only way to treat it is to apply or inject the medicine locally. Some things can’t be solved with simply taking a pill. They are widely viewed as uncomfortable and undesired. You can’t get suppositories for any pill or condition. Only specific lower bowel/ sphincter issues require them or even have medicines related to them.

Oddly enough though sometimes for seizures there are suppositories.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I just had open heart surgery. They would not let me leave the hospital until I had a bowel movement. I had been taking stool softeners multiple times a day. Finally the nurse showed up and shoved a suppository up my ass. It took a couple of days still to have a small BM.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most people do not want suppositories they are simple necessary. There are some conditions involving your rear end where basically the only way to treat it is to apply or inject the medicine locally. Some things can’t be solved with simply taking a pill. They are widely viewed as uncomfortable and undesired. You can’t get suppositories for any pill or condition. Only specific lower bowel/ sphincter issues require them or even have medicines related to them.

Oddly enough though sometimes for seizures there are suppositories.