Why wouldn’t price caps work in stopping inflation?


So I try to stay on top on economic news, and one thing that is confusing me is why government enforced price caps on products wouldn’t work? All I hear is about how strong the economy still is, record profits for corporations, and increasing wealth of the country’s most affluent people. Wouldn’t price caps cause: 1) more wealth for the average consumer 2) still profitable corporations (albeit not the record profits that they continue to reach) 3) more equitable wealth distribution?

In: 182

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So there’s no answer? All you guys have all the good reasons in the world why food prices absolutely must be double what they were two years ago, and rents absolutely must be double, and employers absolutely cannot bust into their profits to pay us any more, and so most of us are just going to slowly devolve to eating food made of cardboard and spit, and living in a tent.

It seems to me like we are all at the mercy of stockholders because they hold us hostage — do *anything* to decrease their profits, and they will abandon the market and everything will fall to ruin.

So we have no recourse but being slowly bled of all prosperity and joy in life because *otherwise capitalism just wouldn’t work.*

Instead of jumping all over me and insulting me, why don’t you try telling me how you are not presenting a bleak and hopeless picture for the millions of people who can barely afford both rent and food?

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