Why wouldn’t the human body adapt better to being hit with radiation when literally the entire universe revolves around radiation and radioactive material?


Why wouldn’t the human body adapt better to being hit with radiation when literally the entire universe revolves around radiation and radioactive material?

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18 Answers

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What do you mean by “revolve around radioactive materials”? The vast, vast majority of matter in the universe is Hydrogen and helium, neither of which are very radioactive. (And even the “radiation” part is wrong, only about 5% of the energy of the universe seems to come from the regular matter and the photons/radiation they create. The other 95% is dark matter and dark energy, neither are radiation)

And why would life on Earth have to tailor itself to survive not on Earth? Until the 1940s, there hadn’t been anything that could get life *off* of earth. So there was no reason to care about what went on there, from an evolutionary perspective.

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