Will a gecko fall off if you electrically charge/shock a surface?

183 viewsOtherR2 (Straightforward)

As the title says, not anything deadly or debilitatingly strong, but like an electric force that’ll disrupt their climbing mechanism? (Or even magnetic forces?)

I don’t know a lot about Van Der Waals Forces but I know it works with positive or negatively charged electricity partly to suction/adhere to surfaces and such. And I can’t find anything related to my question online.

In: R2 (Straightforward)

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The short answer: no.

Slightly longer ELI5: gecko adhesion is…complicated, yes involving VdW force where the setae contact the surface, but a whole lot of mechanical compliance as well. Almost the entire body is important, not just the pads of the feet. Electrically charging the surface won’t affect any of this.

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