: With all the data privacy and protection Google ToutNShouts, how are they able to show the Google Trends data down to Weeks, Months, Years?


Also if chat gpt is banned in china, how’s google trends showing that China is the most chatgpt used country?

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Google keeps track of every single click. What was searched, what link was clicked, and when. If you wanted to save your history to your account then they will straight up link it right to you. Otherwise they say it’s anonymized.

It doesn’t matter who it is who searched on “chickens” on a certain day. The trends only show how much it was searched on.

I don’t see the actual thing you’re talking about with chatGPT in China, but could it be people in China searching on that and not getting a result? There are some competitors trying to start up in China to deal with the censorship issues with the American version. Perhaps it’s a bunch of people searching for alternatives to chatGPT available to them.

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