With all the high technology development, why can’t bots check boxes that say “I am not a robot”?


With all the high technology development, why can’t bots check boxes that say “I am not a robot”?

In: 649

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It catches the dumb bots because if it says “show me you’re human, click here” a basic script or bot will snap to it and check it.

Humans are slow, we got to actually move the cursor over the the box.

Same with “click boxes with stop lights” a bot can solve this in 0.02 seconds snapping to each box and selecting it.. Dumb humans are slow and need to sit and click on them one at a time while moving their cursor to each box.

Can you code a bot to do this? Absolutely. But the majority of bots which can cause website problems are made to be rapid fire fast and efficient. Not intentionally dumbed down to slow mouse movements, inconsistent timing between clicks land length of click sometimes!)

So it filters out a lot of the issues. It isn’t that it’s perfect it just needs to weed out enough of the problem scripts to allow the site to better serve people.

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