With all the high technology development, why can’t bots check boxes that say “I am not a robot”?


With all the high technology development, why can’t bots check boxes that say “I am not a robot”?

In: 649

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lol. Bots can.

Captchas is a arms race. What you’re seeing with those check boxes is like… The tip of the iceberg.

I do a lot of web scraping. There’s a bunch of tools and services to bypass captchas that are attempting to stop people like me. And just like door locks, its only a countermeasure to those who are curious. But ambitious people know all the tricks.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a barrier to entry. If you can cut out 99% of bots with one simple easy to implement tool that’s good enough. That last 1% becomes an arms race that isn’t worth worrying about and you have other things in place to stop them if they are being malicious anyways. As long as the higher tech bots are well behaved who cares if they get in?