With Bernoulli’s principle in mind (I think that’s the right one), is it more efficient to vent a room by putting a fan back from a window a bit, or right up next to it, and if so, is there a general sweet-spot as to how far back it should be?


For context, this would be to vent a basement bathroom with a a window in an old house, and I can’t install a bathroom vent.

In: 857

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some Youtuber did a video testing this with wind speed meters a while ago and the conclusion was to put the fan a few feet from the window pointing straight at the window at an appropriate height. Iirc the exact distance was 3,5 feet / 106cm but hat of course will vary depending on the model of fan and the size of your window.

Edited for some typos.

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