Most cell phone cameras mimic DSLR features and abilities with software.
Image sensor size matters. A cell phone only has dedicated space for a small sensor, whereas a DSLR can have a much larger area.
Lenses matter. There’s a massive difference in quality of digital vs optical zoom, autofocus sensors, and other elements. That’s why many pro-level lenses cost as much as a small car.
And a DSLR is a dedicated blend of hardware and software that does one thing really well, where a cell phone does many things at various levels. Like using a multitool as a screwdriver.
So the f-stop is a ratio. An f/1.7 lens sounds impressive but it’s light gathering ability is comparable to an f/11 lens on a DSLR like a Canon 6D. That’s because while the 1.7 ratio sounds impressive; on a physically small sensor and lens the physical hole the light travels through is many times smaller than in a typical DSLR lens. The massive DSLR sensor captures far more total light.
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