With sharp increases to the price of goods and services, where’s all this extra money I’m spending going?


Don’t try to tell me my wages are sharply increasing either, because they’re not! Nor are my friends, family, or neighbors.

In: 113

40 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Into the pockets of wealthy ceos whose companies are making record profits and price gouging us

Anonymous 0 Comments

Shortages mean companies have less to sell, so what they’re selling is more valuable to them, and they charge higher prices. Because there’s less volume, many companies make less, or even lose money, even though prices are higher.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In many cases companies are using the pandemic as an excuse to raise prices more than necessary, because they can. You are getting ripped off by the already rich.

Of course some companies/products do have legitimate reasons for raising prices.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well corporations are reporting record profits, so I think it’s safe to assume they’re going to CEOs and investors.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s going to the government. Inflation is a very intentional and sneaky way of destroying the middle class, confiscating resources and paying back government reckless spending. This money is going to paying off the stupid fucking stimulus packages, wars, and all other bullshit that we’ve dealt with in the states the past two decades.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Into shareholder’s pockets. I think many places just hear there should be inflation, so they take the opportunity to price gouge.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, shipping costs have jumped and of course passed the cost to consumers. Cuz the shippers ain’t gonna do it.


Anonymous 0 Comments

I think a lot of inflation is the effect of the thick layer of middlemen between you the consumer and the initial producer of whatever it is you are buying.

Most businesses gather together all the costs associated with getting hold of the product, then add some percentage to that cost to generate the profit they want to show. If there are 5 businesses between you and the producer (truckers, wholesalers, retailers, etc) each adds that profit margin, increasing the price to the following handler who adds his profit to the profit added in the step before. By the time it gets to you, you might be paying a sizable charge for that profit-on-profit-on-profit structure.

That extra money you are spending is way more than the actual increase in price of the product itself and goes directly into the pockets of the middlemen.

Have you noticed the record profits of lots of large companies as we get out from under covid and inflation numbers are inching upward?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Look. You could read this and that about material, labor, manufacturing cost/expenditure analysis and ratios. But what’s really going on is this: Humans have an innate base desire which we call “greed”. There is absolutely no reason why anything should go up, in fact the opposite, they should be going down! We as a society have made amazing strides forward in technology, medicine, education, transportation, etc. Believe it or not, there are some inventions that haven’t come to market as perfect solutions but the problem is that it doesn’t make money to completely solve people’s challenges. There’s no money in the perfect solution on temporary ones. Why? Because people believe they need more and more money to keep the illusion circus going. As a society, I know it’s tough to hear but: We are truly better than all the bull ish reasons that cloth our ignorance. Solution: Collectively promote social norms that foster higher virtues. For example, decreasing the pay gap of CEOs to approximately 7 to 10 times more than the lowest paid employee. That’s a start.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s going to the pockets of corporate shills and CEO’s. Employees don’t see shit when prices go up.