Would artificially inflating an opponent’s economy in war (mass producing/distributing counterfeit currency) be helpful for the war cause? Seems like it would result in economic ruin


Would artificially inflating an opponent’s economy in war (mass producing/distributing counterfeit currency) be helpful for the war cause? Seems like it would result in economic ruin

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15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So people have already pointed out end distribution as an issue, but you have an even more fundamental problem. How are you going to print it and move it. The amount of cash to do what you are suggesting is insane. The covid checks back in 2020 totaled 884 billion and spoilers did not cause hyper inflation. If we wanted to print 884 billion in 100$ it would take the US treasury over a year to do so even if they ran all the printers 24/7. You then have 1.6 billion pounds of cash. How are you going to move that in a war zone? C-5 galaxy cargo planes? They only hold 280,000lbs. So you need all 52 of them and it will take you about 160 trips. Between flight time and maintenance that will take more than half a year.

The total covid spending was 4.5 trillion. To print this would take the US over 6 years and require over 650 trips by every c-5 galaxy to move. You are also going to cause issues at home, like a cash shortage, seeing as you are printing 0 bills for your own country for 6 years.

And all this would do to a major economy is cause 2 or 3 years of moderate inflation. Assuming it all gets magically distributed at the end and it’s impossible to remove from circulation.

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