Would it be possible to run/walk with a broken femur?


If someone was in a situation where adrenaline is pumping heavily into their system and they broke their femur, would they be able to run or move a distance before collapsing? Are the leg muscles in the thigh strong enough to support a fracture?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

maybe if a fracture is small (hairline), and on the main shaft of the femur. Not possible with fractures “neck”, the broken pieces will stab through the flesh with entire weight of the upper body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As someone that has shattered their femur and then tried to stand up through the power adrenaline; as soon as you shift weight to that leg you will collapse

Anonymous 0 Comments

A break of a major supporting bone like a femur is impossible to walk on. That’s a break and not a fracture. All that’s left around it is skin and muscle, not strong at all. It’s mush.

Forget the fact that many femur breaks puncture the skin and protrude depending on the way it breaks. You do more damage by putting any weight there.

My brother in law broke his femur in half. The pain he described was something he had no words for. It may as well have been cut right off. You go into shock but that doesn’t stop the pain receptors from just fucking you up. Ligaments usually get damaged too and that’s more pain added on top of it all.

Until they can get it into traction, your whole leg is mangled and nothing feels better other than re-aligning it or just knocking you out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I snapped my femur in half, didn’t break the skin, an fuck no you cannot walk if off. It’s like a new knee appears above your other knee, so you try and lift your leg an the bottom half doesn’t move

Anonymous 0 Comments

If by running away you mean risking in one step that the shattered bone cuts your artery and you lose all your blood in minutes, and die; yes. But there is a scenario where this doesn’t happen so you just mix your bone fragments making healing far more difficult and maybe condom you to a wheelchair forever. And there’s a scenario where you can actually walk more than three steps maybe, and not damage yourself, but at that point you better go play the lottery the same day cause that’s the luckiest you may ever been.

You said adrenaline so I’m ignoring the pain level which would make you vomit, pass out, or fog your brain enough to try escape the wrong direction.