Would removing CO2 from the atmosphere to pre-industrial levels have an immediate or longer term effect on our climate if at all?


Ive read that our carbon emissions have basically started a cascade effect that we can’t limit now. IS this right or wrong?

In: 840

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Heres the thing about CO2… the EPA says in their guidelines for refrigerants (yes, CO2 is used as refrigerant (freon)) that CO2 has a global warming potential of….. ZERO. It also has an ozone depletion potential of…. yes, you guessed it, ZERO. Idk why all these scientists are up in arms about CO2 when the EPA says it poses no harm to ozone or global warming… the only thing CO2 really does is create a greenhouse effect (greenhouse gasses and such), which only makes the temperatures feel warmer. It does not actually damage the atmosphere in any way.

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