Would removing CO2 from the atmosphere to pre-industrial levels have an immediate or longer term effect on our climate if at all?


Ive read that our carbon emissions have basically started a cascade effect that we can’t limit now. IS this right or wrong?

In: 840

20 Answers

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> Ive read that our carbon emissions have basically started a cascade effect that we can’t limit now. IS this right or wrong?

It’s wrong, there are cascading effects, and tipping points, where because of the heating caused by our CO2 emissions further natural emissions will trigger. However there’s no point-of-no-return, and we can always work to mitigate, limit and reverse the effects. The only point-of-no-return is when you get a Runaway greenhouse effect similar to what happened to Venus, which is something we feared in the past to be where we were heading, but recent science has shown that it is very unlikely to happen even if we burn 10 times all the fossil fuel that exists on earth.

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