wtf is plausible deniability?


I’ve heard it used a million times before but never had anyone explain it to me and I feel stupid.

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11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It means you can deny knowledge of something and there’s not only no proof you’re lying but it’s reasonable that you didn’t know.

Recent example: actress Olivia Wilde was served court papers for her divorce and custody discussions with her ex Jason Sudeikis. The service was at an event Wilde was speaking at, while she was on stage.

Sudeikis denied being aware of how the papers were being delivered. His denial is plausible for a number of reasons, 3 big ones being:

1. The event in question isn’t open to the public (apparently there’s an investigation happening about how the process server even got in)

2. Process servers generally speak to attorneys not their clients

3. That conversation is reportedly something like “here’s these papers that need to be delivered to this person. Here’s a list of places that client says this person can be found at, home, work, gym etc. This is when we need the papers delivered by” and the process server makes the call on when and where to attempt delivery”