XYZ coordinates


I have a pretty basic understanding of coordinates and can comprehend the X and Y axis relatively well, but the Z axis is where I fall flat. Like what does it represent?? Its for 3D stuff I’m pretty sure but thats about all I know about it.

In: 1

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A boat operates in X/Y. It can go north or south, and it can go east or west.

A helicopter operates in X/Y/Z. It can go north or south and east or west, just like a boat, but it can also go up or down.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A boat operates in X/Y. It can go north or south, and it can go east or west.

A helicopter operates in X/Y/Z. It can go north or south and east or west, just like a boat, but it can also go up or down.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of the corner of a room.

The x/y axis are edges of the walls touching the floor. A traditional 2d plane/Cartesian coordiates.

the z axis is the edges of the two walls. Measures height from the floor.

|____ y

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of the corner of a room.

The x/y axis are edges of the walls touching the floor. A traditional 2d plane/Cartesian coordiates.

the z axis is the edges of the two walls. Measures height from the floor.

|____ y

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of the corner of a room.

The x/y axis are edges of the walls touching the floor. A traditional 2d plane/Cartesian coordiates.

the z axis is the edges of the two walls. Measures height from the floor.

|____ y

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you are standing in a yard with a flagpole nearby. Your task is to define where the flag is.

You measure out that the pole is 10 yards North and 15 yards West of your location.
If you define your current position as the center that would be 0,0.
And the bottom of the pole would be at 10,15 (10 yards North and 15 yards West).

But where is the FLAG?
Well, it’s 3 yards above the the ground. That’s your Z axis. So the flag is at 10,15,3. Or

X: 10 yards north
Y: 15 yards west
Z: 3 yards UP

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you are standing in a yard with a flagpole nearby. Your task is to define where the flag is.

You measure out that the pole is 10 yards North and 15 yards West of your location.
If you define your current position as the center that would be 0,0.
And the bottom of the pole would be at 10,15 (10 yards North and 15 yards West).

But where is the FLAG?
Well, it’s 3 yards above the the ground. That’s your Z axis. So the flag is at 10,15,3. Or

X: 10 yards north
Y: 15 yards west
Z: 3 yards UP

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you are standing in a yard with a flagpole nearby. Your task is to define where the flag is.

You measure out that the pole is 10 yards North and 15 yards West of your location.
If you define your current position as the center that would be 0,0.
And the bottom of the pole would be at 10,15 (10 yards North and 15 yards West).

But where is the FLAG?
Well, it’s 3 yards above the the ground. That’s your Z axis. So the flag is at 10,15,3. Or

X: 10 yards north
Y: 15 yards west
Z: 3 yards UP

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’re looking at a map and X is how far East you are, and Y is how far North you are, then Z is how high you are.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’re looking at a map and X is how far East you are, and Y is how far North you are, then Z is how high you are.