Physics Physics 712 Questions Ask question Search Order By: ActiveClear Filter 2 Ans Why does dry sand at the beach change color when wet? 269 viewsOtherPhysics 9 Ans What Causes Lightning and Thunder? 613 viewsOtherPhysics 2 Ans What’s the most sound REFLECTIVE material? 305 viewsOtherPhysics 12 Ans Why is there an escape velocity? 950 viewsOtherPhysics 2 Ans If I hold a piece of rope from the top and flick it, a wave travels down it eventually stopping at the very bottom. What governs the speed of this wave? Surely it can’t be the speed of sound in the rope material as the wave moves much too slowly. 284 viewsOtherPhysics 0 Ans How does the ADS like the TRADE aim to produce energy from and reduce the amount of nuclear waste 182 viewsOtherPhysics 5 Ans — Why does heat distort what I see? 437 viewsOtherPhysics 3 Ans Why do these spotlights abruptly end rather than fading away? 329 viewsOtherPhysics 9 Ans The electron dual slit experiment 579 viewsOtherPhysics 2 Ans Water temperatures impact on object sink speed 313 viewsOtherPhysics 5 Ans eli5 : Why didn’t the atomic bomb destroy the atmosphere? 462 viewsOtherPhysics 1 Ans Howcome my led lights left a blue imprint on my wooden cabinet? 238 viewsOtherPhysics 17 Ans why is the back of the plane the safest in a crash? 1.17K viewsOtherPhysics 2 Ans Why are tuning forks shaped like an U? 292 viewsOtherPhysics 3 Ans How does the residual strong force work? How does binding energy give mass and generate energy in nuclear reactions? 331 viewsOtherPhysics 5 Ans if stopping distance increases in the rain, then why is increased road friction a contributing factor to worse fuel economy in the rain? 446 viewsOtherPhysics 6 Ans how were particles we can’t see with our eyes or a microscope discovered? 464 viewsOtherPhysics 3 Ans Eli5: how is it possible for electrons to not be anywhere specifically until we take measurements and force them into a defined position? 337 viewsOtherPhysics 7 Ans Does electricity flowing in cables experience centrifugal forces? 511 viewsOtherPhysics 6 Ans Why don’t devices like fans reverse their direction despite using alternating current (AC), which changes direction? 442 viewsOtherPhysics « Previous 1 2 … 9 10 11 12 13 … 35 36 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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