Technology Technology 982 Questions Ask question Search Order By: ActiveClear Filter 13 Ans Why do videographers need to color correct? 751 viewsOtherTechnology 1 Ans What is a “progressive” application and what makes it different from standard applications I download to my smartphone? 172 viewsOtherTechnology 2 Ans When watching a live broadcast and the signal drops, why does the screen seems to wipe across the screen when it comes back? 248 viewsOtherTechnology 31 Ans Can an electric vehicle drive underwater? 1.33K viewsOtherTechnology 2 Ans How do video game cheats, like walls, for instance, work? 199 viewsOtherTechnology 2 Ans How does VMWare Horizon and other VDIs work? 200 viewsOtherTechnology 7 Ans Eli5: why can’t phones use cellular and WiFi at the same time to load things faster? 349 viewsOtherTechnology 2 Ans How do captchas work on touch screens? 233 viewsOtherTechnology 1 Ans How a web crawler of search engine can discover any websites(even new created) and what it takes in order to create a serach engine from scratch? 152 viewsOtherTechnology 4 Ans : Why do some form of medias(apps, movies, tv shows) have geographic restrictions ? 296 viewsOtherTechnology 3 Ans Eli5: How did buying ringtones via SMS worked? 236 viewsOtherTechnology 33 Ans Why use encryption for emails if you have to share the public key? 1.38K viewsOtherTechnology 3 Ans How does the technology work to detect underground water in other planets? 229 viewsOtherTechnology 8 Ans What exactly is MIDI? 393 viewsOtherTechnology 5 Ans Eli5:- what’s the importance of captchas ..I mean wouldn’t a robot be able to do a simple task like to verify it’s not one ..?? 313 viewsOtherTechnology 4 Ans Why does a thermal imaging camera show a body in a reflection on a mirror? 269 viewsOtherTechnology 4 Ans how are digital gift cards stolen so easily / often? 259 viewsOtherTechnology 26 Ans How fragile is the internet? Could it ever dissappear? 1.07K viewsOtherTechnology 14 Ans why do computer charges have that big block 759 viewsOtherTechnology 17 Ans Why can’t one register a domain name themselves, instead of paying a company to do it? 765 viewsOtherTechnology « Previous 1 2 … 8 9 10 11 12 … 49 50 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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