Technology Technology 982 Questions Ask question Search Order By: ActiveClear Filter 5 Ans Why would a compressor failure prevent a car from starting? 237 viewsOtherTechnology 12 Ans Why is using the Cloud referred to as going ‘serverless’ when the companies offering Cloud services are STILL using servers? 428 viewsOtherTechnology 0 Ans SImplest/most effecive way to download and organize photos to older Mac? 82 viewsOtherTechnology 4 Ans Phone hall sensor 235 viewsOtherTechnology 5 Ans For store, etc transactions: what’s the difference between chip and scanning the card? 219 viewsOtherTechnology 8 Ans How do cranes work? 282 viewsOtherTechnology 3 Ans How did phone dial tones get recognized on the telephone office end? 162 viewsOtherTechnology 7 Ans How do they create water in games 225 viewsOtherTechnology 25 Ans How could someone understand incoming Morse code ? 755 viewsOtherTechnology 1 Ans What is a passkey and how does it differ from a password? 112 viewsOtherTechnology 7 Ans How do online video games work? 240 viewsOtherTechnology 3 Ans LED Lights VS Heat Generated 152 viewsOtherTechnology 14 Ans Why are static IP address important in devices such as printers? 517 viewsOtherTechnology 1 Ans Why don’t desktops and laptops have HDMI-CEC? 117 viewsOtherTechnology 11 Ans How did advertisers know what I bought at the store yesterday? 476 viewsOtherTechnology 6 Ans Why does restarting a router fix slow internet? 227 viewsOtherTechnology 1 Ans ELI5-Since compasses use the magnetism of the earth to point to north, how do the compasses on our phones do that? 114 viewsOtherTechnology 4 Ans How Do Computer Scientists Discover That Computers Can Do New Things? 186 viewsOtherTechnology 2 Ans What makes you sound like a robot when a phone or video call is lagging? 144 viewsOtherTechnology 1 Ans What’s MicrosoftXTA? 139 viewsOtherTechnology « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … 49 50 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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