Activities Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 3 Ans Eli5: How can some particles have no mass 338 views 9 Ans There is increased push for Passkeys (instead of passwords), with Google now rolling out Passkeys as default sign-in option. Can someone please to me what “Passkey” is, how its different from passcode, and how it will change an average person’s login process on a daily routine basis? 491 views 7 Ans How can big companies like google and facebook makes their website safe 509 views 2 Ans Why can dogs have carrots, but not nutmeg? 262 views 50 Ans If light has no mass, how does gravitational force bend light inwards 2.15K views 1 Ans Why is irritability such a common side effect? 276 views 6 Ans What happens at the “edges” of the visible light spectrum? 418 views 16 Ans Eli5: What would be the protocol for the case of an Astronaut suffering a heart attack or similar serious medical condition, (and has it ever happenend before?) on the ISS? 985 views 3 Ans Why is unopened powdered baby formula considered not sterile, while its liquid counterpart is? And why can’t the powdered version be treated and sterilized prior to distribution? 278 views 38 Ans Why are there no new Oil Refineries built lately when price of Oil today is higher than it was 50 years ago? 1.77K views 1 Ans Étale cohomology 478 views 11 Ans why is area under 1/x^2 as x approaches infinite finite while area under 1/x is infinite? 734 views 5 Ans Eli5 why does not gravity pull the water down from a sponge or any other absorbant material? 352 views 1 Ans How can someone possibly survive a stab or a bullet to the heart? 431 views 3 Ans Multiple trucks pushing pulling a load 506 views 2 Ans Relationship between blood pressure and blood flow 477 views 6 Ans Why do we only snore when we sleep and never when we are awake? 607 views 8 Ans Why front wind is bad for planes? 690 views 15 Ans ELI5, why do problematic flights require a fighter jet escort? 922 views 1 Ans : the difference between natural and quasi experiments 404 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,169 3,170 3,171 3,172 3,173 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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