Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 3 Ans How does cough medicine stop a dry, tickly or wet cough? 215 views 17 Ans Why do humans like music? 693 views 4 Ans How could condoms prevent STDs when your balls are still touching all over your partner’s genital area? 216 views 2 Ans eli5 how does a thermoscan laser work? I work at a nickel plant and we use them while refining our melts, and I fail to understand how a laser can be shot thru glass and get a accurate temperature 181 views 21 Ans Could living on/ mining the moon cause unintended consequences for Earth? e.g. changes in tide or anything else? 888 views 15 Ans – where does skin in your body stop being skin? Is the roof of the mouth skin? The back of the throat? How does skin attach and transition to non-skin flesh? 582 views 1 Ans Eli5: Why do cable boxes take so long to boot up? Ocap? L-8/1? What is it even doing? 144 views 3 Ans [eli5] How can you dial 911 anywhere in the US and still get the police closest to you? 193 views 2 Ans Eli5: How are we able to focus our eyes through a mirror? 171 views 8 Ans Why is it so difficult to build a perpetual motion machine? 384 views 7 Ans What exactly does Standard Deviation (SD) helps us find in a cluster of data? 375 views 2 Ans Eli5 how do babies not bite through their gum when a tooth comes through? 154 views 4 Ans How come some places have police departments and some places have sheriffs? 230 views 3 Ans Does drinking alcohol really prevent stomach issues from bad food/water? 204 views 4 Ans eli5 If a man were to hold off his sperm for years, have sex and then have sex again the next day, would the old sperm reach the egg before the new sperm would? 206 views 3 Ans eli5: How does tying 2 pieces of string together and talking actually work? 195 views 2 Ans ELI5, is scientonomy or science of science legitimate? 189 views 1 Ans How does rock strata and tree rings correctly calibrate radiometric dating? 146 views 3 Ans – What does the term “probability density function” mean? 216 views 4 Ans eli5 / if DNA codes for proteins, but each type of cell uses different proteins, how do the cells know which bits to use? Furthermore, how does that also translate to larger scale shapes in/on the organism? (Like the shape of my face, or the shape of a plants leaves) 202 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,636 2,637 2,638 2,639 2,640 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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