Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 3 Ans eli5 how can I still hear if I close my ears very tightly? 239 views 2 Ans eli5: for a digital or analog signal, will the way the wire is spread effects the signal integrity? 187 views 2 Ans How can the oresund bridge stand? 182 views 8 Ans how exactly is torrenting different from regular downloads from web browsers? 365 views 4 Ans What’s the difference between SoC and Memory? 227 views 2 Ans Eli5 how CO2 batteries work, and why are they better than lithium-ion batteries? 201 views 25 Ans Why is there such a pronounced difference in how the military treats officers vs enlisted people? This even extends to how they are treated when a POW, as seen in Bridge Over River Kwai. 949 views 5 Ans What causes the horrible skin crawling sensation after looking at something unpleasant? 300 views 19 Ans How are there so many videos, etc. of people interacting with bears peacefully even though they aren’t domesticated? 681 views 2 Ans ELi5: How do we know the rocks used in the great Egyptian pyramids weren’t from the site? 180 views 2 Ans What is better for a bridge? I shaped beams or H shaped beams? 172 views 5 Ans How does falling asleep actually work; why can you be mid-thought and just conk out? 248 views 4 Ans : why do we instinctively sway our arms while walking? 207 views 3 Ans eli5- why when we close one eye it completely shuts off but when we close both we only see darkness? 179 views 4 Ans [ELI5] What is equal temperament in music? 231 views 1 Ans Eli5: How do they track ball possession in a soccer match? 377 views 2 Ans Eli5 about petting fish 181 views 9 Ans What causes elderly to hunch their backs? 348 views 4 Ans Why do people get insomnia even though they are exhausted? 206 views 11 Ans Eli5: TV commercials cut out after 1 second and play another? 470 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,638 2,639 2,640 2,641 2,642 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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