Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 6 Ans Why do fire exits open out but my front door opens in? 255 views 4 Ans When creating a bracket for a sporting event or competition series, how is it determined who gets which seed in the bracket? 212 views 6 Ans eli5 Why does the money I owe on my car loan not affect what I receive if I sell? 241 views 2 Ans Why is it that when you write something with a pencil in a spot where you have previously erased something, it’s in a darker shade? 147 views 1 Ans eli5 Why do foods with msg feels stronger in flavour than foods that are naturally high in glutamate? 147 views 2 Ans Why can’t my near sighted eyes focus on a VR headset even though my eyes are right in front of the screen 163 views 3 Ans How does the immune system know we catch a virus/disease? And how does it attack the virus/disease? 237 views 9 Ans Eli5 how can the distance between the top of two cylinders change depending if one is standing up vs if the if other one is? 338 views 2 Ans Why as we get older our memories become more acceptable and more easy to handle? 462 views 4 Ans What does it mean when someone declares bankruptcy? 237 views 6 Ans : I really don’t know how IQ tests work, Please someone explain on what basis someone’s IQ is judged? 251 views 2 Ans Why colds develop in stages. 208 views 14 Ans What is Umami? 682 views 1 Ans : Why is it difficult to swallow food when your ears are blocked? 123 views 1 Ans the different uses between quilts, comforters, duvets, linens, and thread counts. 169 views 1 Ans What is the importance in the order at which you ingest food and liquids? 126 views 3 Ans How does body dysmorphia work? 302 views 5 Ans Why Does Cold Weather Makes Me Have to Urinate? 237 views 6 Ans Eli5: why does hand, foot and mouth disease cause sores only on those parts of the body? 262 views 1 Ans How does lightning build up the charge to discharge through atmospheric air? Why can’t I build up the same charge under my blankets to discharge to my mattress? 124 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,653 2,654 2,655 2,656 2,657 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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