Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 10 Ans – Why do rpm meters on cars never go down to 0 when stopped? 550 views 2 Ans Proof of Stake and Proof of Work 351 views 1 Ans What is the “Caparo test”? 309 views 8 Ans When an organism mutates and becomes of a different species that reproduces sexually, how does it reproduce? 540 views 15 Ans eli5 When countries swap prisoners how are they sure the other country will actually do it? 610 views 5 Ans Eli5: What exactly is Anarcho-syndicalism? 434 views 8 Ans Why do we show emotion in our face? 542 views 2 Ans Why and how do acids dissolve things? 349 views 2 Ans Eli5: Equation of time 328 views 1 Ans Difference between Roth IRA opened in a bank vs. opened in a major brokerage firm 254 views 1 Ans eli5: How do Perlin noises and graphs come together? 367 views 3 Ans What is a crash rate in economics? 381 views 28 Ans How is Pi calculated? 1.16K views 9 Ans eli5: How do parkourists not break their ankles? 721 views 8 Ans Why does heating decrease the humidity? How can humidity be relative to temperature?? 523 views 14 Ans eli5: What is Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem in math and computer science? 798 views 1 Ans how do bones (like ribs) get bruised? 273 views 4 Ans How did we get so far into technology in such a short time. like for instance went from phone on a string to the iphone in 131 years. 596 views 1 Ans How close to Earth, in terms of atmosphere, would another planet have to be for humans to survive there relatively unaided? 252 views 3 Ans ELi5: Why does it take longer for cold water to reach room temperature than it does hot water? 352 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,661 2,662 2,663 2,664 2,665 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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