Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 6 Ans How do hackers actually obtain your IP and do (and if so how) VPNs stop them? 246 views 1 Ans Peacekeeping and Use of Force 153 views 17 Ans Eli5 In the days of dial up internet how would large organisations (or even homes with more than 1 computer) enable multiple computers to use the internet at once 691 views 2 Ans How do companies create medicines or really, any household products that don’t negatively react with the human body? 166 views 2 Ans why do most laptops promise a certain amount of storage, and then when fully set up, nearly half of it is already taken up? eli5 164 views 5 Ans “Who” exactly is our immune system? 235 views 7 Ans how can a collision cause a loss of energy? Even if friction and energy loss is ignored? 349 views 1 Ans ELi5: how healing trauma works in a physiological sense. 129 views 2 Ans How do hot and cool patches work? 172 views 11 Ans Why does milk pair so well with cake, cookies, etc? 501 views 1 Ans ElI5: ‘Inverse thinking’ in mental models? 161 views 10 Ans Why do we talk about a the age of a baby in months until they are 2 years old? 357 views 19 Ans How did they figure out how the challenger blew up? 760 views 2 Ans The Golden Ratio in Art — how is this ‘applied’? 165 views 2 Ans How does RT-PCR test work? 151 views 6 Ans What part of the body makes blood? 254 views 2 Ans Why does food at room temperature feel cold but water at room temperature feels room temperature? 155 views 6 Ans ELi5: How does religion spread through trade? 263 views 3 Ans Why does the amount of blood taken for tests can differ so much? 171 views 1 Ans What is Counter Cyclical Capital Buffer? 141 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,668 2,669 2,670 2,671 2,672 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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