Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 1 Ans eli5 what will be the solute and solvent in a miscible solution where both components are of equal concentration? 247 views 2 Ans eli5: How do harmonicas work? Like how does it get that crunchy sound? 271 views 6 Ans What exactly is Abstract Algebra? 364 views 5 Ans eli5 If I fly to the other side of the world pointing East vs the same trip heading West how much difference does the earth’s rotation make to the trip? 411 views 5 Ans : What is angular velocity? 373 views 4 Ans Why does carbonation burn? 416 views 2 Ans how do mood stabilizers like lamotrigine work? 280 views 4 Ans – Why do packages of pork rinds have high protein but also say it’s not a significant source of it? 381 views 14 Ans How Does Oxygen Stay In A House Or Car? 690 views 2 Ans How are astrophysical jets formed? 236 views 2 Ans What is a BODE plot? 247 views 33 Ans Why do Taxi drivers in the UK and Europe drive cars with predominantly manual gearboxes 1.45K views 1 Ans What’s the difference between functional and clinical depression? 173 views 12 Ans Eli5: how come tires use marking from different measurement system. Metric for the width, imperial for radius and percentage for height? (like 205/50 R16) 751 views 6 Ans ELI5- Installing Programms on a PC 424 views 5 Ans how do you “hedge” a stock to “lock in” an existing profit? 325 views 3 Ans eli5 what is a holding company? 252 views 4 Ans Eli5: Transfer fee in football 479 views 40 Ans – Is time a real, tangible thing, or just a concept invented by humans that doesn’t actually exist? 1.59K views 3 Ans Why radioactive elements produce their own heat? 237 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,675 2,676 2,677 2,678 2,679 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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