Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 3 Ans eLI5 Why do certain painkillers work for certain things and others not 355 views 7 Ans What exactly is an EMP (Electromagnetic-pulse)? Isn’t light just an electromagnetic beam? How exactly is light and electromagnetism connected? 455 views 2 Ans eli5 : What is particle “spin” amd why are values things like 1/2, 1, etc? 446 views 2 Ans What exactly is the difference between the 10(?) dimensions? 332 views 5 Ans When the sun was down how did societies that used sun dials know how much time has passed? 417 views 1 Ans what causes body aches when someone is sick? 226 views 2 Ans when you really have to pee, why does it feel like you have to go more while you’re standing as opposed to sitting down? 278 views 5 Ans Eli5 – How do different electrical appliances draw current at different loads? 397 views 4 Ans why are aircraft carriers gray in color? 249 views 3 Ans Why does your thinking (or internal) voice sound like your external voice? 365 views 2 Ans eli5 how do fossils of creatures happen? 300 views 8 Ans If taller men have been seen as more desirable since ancient times, why is it still so uncommon to be tall as a man? Wouldn’t society weed out shorter men through time? 372 views 4 Ans How reliable are “support levels” and “resistance levels” when it comes to stock trading? 249 views 3 Ans Why do bottles of liquor list both alcohol % and “proof”? Also, why only hard liquor and not drinks with lower alcohol content (beer/wine etc.)? 339 views 5 Ans What exactly is A.I. in it’s current form? 362 views 4 Ans What does 30% protein mean on the chicken strips, wings, ribs, etc I get from the grocery store? Is the item only 30% real meat? 329 views 5 Ans What can someone do if they have your signature? 457 views 5 Ans ELI5- How can certain fruit have “anti-cancer” properties? 446 views 1 Ans – What is an economic order ? What is the current world economic order ? What will the new world economic order look like ? 226 views 4 Ans Eli5 Why do our bodies behave so differently when it comes to food? 326 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,677 2,678 2,679 2,680 2,681 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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