Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 1 Ans How does the Nintendo Switch video saving work? 259 views 6 Ans What does 10 Mbps mean when using the Internet? 506 views 1 Ans Eli5: what is the crackling sound you hear when you’re sick 336 views 1 Ans How do Zebra stripe percentages work when filming video on DSLR cameras? 317 views 5 Ans How are stars and black holes born? 704 views 3 Ans Eli5 : How do viral infections phase out after 3-5 days? 373 views 4 Ans What is protein folding? 324 views 15 Ans In the 90s, cars from the 70s and 60s were seen as classic, but in 2022 cars from the 90s or 2000s can still be seen in daily use, and in terms of body design, many don’t even look that far off modern cars. What happened around the late 80s? 910 views 1 Ans Eli5: If Aluminum is such a good heat conductor why do we use it to keep things warm? 326 views 5 Ans Why does bass (Low frequencies) get quieter/softer as you go outside??? 421 views 9 Ans eli5 where does the neutron come from when creating helium in fusion? 539 views 26 Ans why does adding more traffic lanes doesn’t help to alleviate traffic congestion? 1.39K views 4 Ans eli5 are neutron stars composed of neutrons, or is it quark-gluon plasma? 406 views 7 Ans In bracket-styled tournaments, why is seeding not randomized? 641 views 2 Ans eli5 – how does the shock resist for phone cases work? 361 views 7 Ans how do biologists know when a species is extinct? 551 views 5 Ans ELI5, Upcoming comet? 441 views 4 Ans How do water softeners work? 353 views 5 Ans [ELI5] Why is there, or is there, a need to wait 6 hours between medication? 407 views 4 Ans why are there multiple stock markets? 478 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,717 2,718 2,719 2,720 2,721 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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