Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 4 Ans How did Elie Wiesel and fellow Jews not know about the concentration camps/Nazi exterminations? 350 views 5 Ans Eli5, Pillows in bass drums 427 views 3 Ans Simple Verse form 345 views 34 Ans How come sexual assault is one of hardest crime to prosecute vs every other crime? 1.15K views 8 Ans – When filling multiple choice bubbles at random why only go with 1 letter? 523 views 6 Ans eli5: when and why did cannabis become demonized in the USA? 459 views 1 Ans Eli5 If chemicals like permethrin are considered safe, why are pesticides like Raid considered super toxic? 271 views 12 Ans why time slows down as you go faster 890 views 8 Ans how is “productivity” measured? 566 views 3 Ans ELi5: Why does the weather feel much colder when the sun is out with a high UV index in the winter? 348 views 1 Ans Why does spray tan turn light skin orange instead of tanned skin color? Is it a chemical limitation? Or do people just like the orange look? 251 views 3 Ans Why do some coffee makers require the carafe to make contact with the tray for the coffee to drip? 328 views 1 Ans What is hypothermia ? 291 views 9 Ans What are platonic concepts? 471 views 1 Ans what’s a simulacrum in politics religion and phylosophy (sorry for possibly bad English ) 227 views 5 Ans when a stock is recently listed on an exchange. who is exactly selling their shares? 456 views 1 Ans What causes mud from the bottom of a body of water come up to the surface when it’s near a flowing culvert? 262 views 5 Ans if my stereo has treble and bass knobs and I set the bass at 9 and the treble at 8, how is that different then if I set the bass at 10 and the treble at 9? 392 views 5 Ans Why isn’t Dec 2st the beginning of the winter and not the middle? 423 views 18 Ans Why can USB 3 cables only stretch to 3m when Ethernet cables can be 100m? 955 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,756 2,757 2,758 2,759 2,760 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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