Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans Eli5:When you take drugs that block the reabsorption of neurotransmitters, doesn’t this mean that after the first use of these neurotransmitters, the second use will be of an inferior quality? 282 views 7 Ans What does the equalizer do? 447 views 6 Ans Who are sociopaths’ and why do they exist in population? 477 views 6 Ans How is blood loss measured during surgery? 419 views 2 Ans why reptiles(mostly snakes and lizards) stick out their tongue all the time? I mean that fast out-in move. 291 views 24 Ans eli5: If the sun revolves around the galaxy, why do we still see the same constellation that was discovered by the Romans (probably 1000s of years ago). surely they should have been scattered by now due to revolution of the sun combined with the revolution of the earth around with sun 1.04K views 10 Ans What makes a food qualify as “ultra-processed” and why are they worse for you? 465 views 1 Ans Why is Euribor continuing to raise interest rates? 274 views 10 Ans Is inflation inevitable in all successful economies? Throughout history, has there ever been a society that maintained 0% inflation for a long term while still maintaining a good quality of life? 532 views 4 Ans What do power ratings on electrical appliances and tools actually mean? 338 views 3 Ans [ELI5] Why do we loose muscle mass if we stop training? 348 views 4 Ans Eli5 Why modern car headlights are designed as single units and not modulararly like in the past, making it so replacing the whole unit now being required if the LEDs burn out or the glass/plastic gets damaged? 336 views 6 Ans Eli5 Wasted Energy 465 views 17 Ans What does it mean when a company “burns through money”? Where does the money go? 779 views 20 Ans eli5: can someone explain tax returns? 1.04K views 4 Ans [ELI5] Fake accounts, why is it so hard to get rid of them? 385 views 6 Ans Why do games today have no loading times even though they are much bigger in size and require tons more processing power than their older predecessors? 385 views 26 Ans Why is Pluto not a planet 1.20K views 4 Ans Why do ships have so much asbestos? 388 views 9 Ans Eli5: Since the ADHD brain is developing in an abnormal way, why aren’t scientists trying to surgically fix the brain’s abnormal structure? 408 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,762 2,763 2,764 2,765 2,766 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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