Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 9 Ans Why is it that sometimes when i’m haveing problems with elektronic devices, support says that i have to wait 10 seconds before turning it on after turning it off? 330 views 3 Ans What is mast cell degranulation? 278 views 24 Ans Eli5: Does a photon really act different by looking at it? How does it know it’s being observed? 980 views 3 Ans Eli5 the process of cutting something. Why some are easier to cut, some are harder to cut? 227 views 3 Ans How do VCs and Startup bank funds work? 350 views 9 Ans How having a fever makes you recall old memories, usually not pleasant memories? 396 views 6 Ans eli5: what is central banking and how does it differ from other types of banking? 334 views 3 Ans what are all the different sounds in an MRI scan? 250 views 30 Ans Why do different naval ship types exist? 1.27K views 6 Ans Interest rate derivatives 348 views 3 Ans How can it be, that inflation can be different in countries that have the same currency? 208 views 6 Ans Why are most night modes red tinted but actually blue gives greenish tinted? 309 views 12 Ans Why do some elements not have a stable isotope? 659 views 27 Ans Eli5 Does it make a sound when city blocks go out of power like the movies? 1.17K views 12 Ans How do Treasury Bonds work and how do rising interest rates cause bond value to fall? 529 views 27 Ans how do banks collapse? 980 views 9 Ans eli5: if a certain phenomenon occurs in 5% of a sample, does that mathematically mean it’s 5% likely to happen for any member of said sample? if yes, how? 446 views 6 Ans Do any other species have doctors? In a sense of an animal gets sick or injured, and the ‘doctor’ will aid recovery by caring for them? 318 views 6 Ans Eli5 What does Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) do to your body long term? 292 views 18 Ans Eli5 Why there are so many rivets on fighter jets and why not use welding instead? 657 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,815 2,816 2,817 2,818 2,819 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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