Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 3 Ans How do antidepressants work? More specifically SSRIs 393 views 9 Ans Why can’t conditions be replicated for food making? 698 views 5 Ans Why is Wi-Fi a lot cheaper per usage than mobile data charges? 438 views 4 Ans Eli5: how do heavy elements form? 449 views 3 Ans Eli5: what does a quarterback look for when teams get to the line of scrimmage? And what does he do before the snap? 375 views 2 Ans Eli5: How can sites sell items such as rings or watches for extremely low prices? 234 views 12 Ans How did scientists know about the existance of black holes, how they behave etc… long before getting the very first image of one 1.23K views 2 Ans How increased immigration numbers affect a regions GDP 325 views 3 Ans Eli5 How it is decided whose clock is running slower, given motion is always relative? 372 views 3 Ans Why does some bottled water seem to “expand” when the bottle is opened? 393 views 7 Ans is water recyclable? 559 views 7 Ans If theres billions of bacteria in our mouths, how come when we cut our inner lip we’re not guaranteed an infection? 621 views 4 Ans How do blisters “heal”? 475 views 2 Ans Why do we yawn? 373 views 14 Ans Why do so many inexperienced drivers of powerful cars accelerate and lose control? 1.18K views 4 Ans Why is peanut allergies so much more prevalent than other food allergies? 421 views 11 Ans – What is VRAM 1.17K views 16 Ans Eli5 Why does having a brain with more wrinkles make you smarter? 1.53K views 5 Ans How does chlorine kill germs? 510 views 3 Ans Do plants “sleep”? 462 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,123 3,124 3,125 3,126 3,127 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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