Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 5 Ans How are some corpses accidentally mummified? 503 views 2 Ans eli5: the black box concept in this video 325 views 1 Ans Why do cats react to this piercing sound by sticking their tongues out? 287 views 5 Ans ELI5, what’s the range of age that applies to accommodating children/teens in school ? 501 views 3 Ans Eli5: why are our eyes not shaped more round like our actual eyeballs? 391 views 23 Ans Why does diarrhea-causing food expedite defecation? 1.88K views 10 Ans How do some sailing ships go faster than others? 730 views 28 Ans Eli5: How did nunneries protect themselves? 2.15K views 7 Ans eli5: Why do our ears pop when we change altitude? And if it’s pressure, why do they do it in pressurised plane cabins? 644 views 1 Ans How do common prey animals protect themselves at night in the wild? 285 views 5 Ans How does a psychological state of mind such as stress contribute or cause diseases and cause body organs to fail? 531 views 12 Ans if a relative developed a disease after I was born, would I be at higher risk to get it? why so? 1.18K views 1 Ans Chili tasters, how do some chillies, give a quick heat that dissipates, and some a lingering heat, and so many different effects despite having the same capsaicin? 261 views 12 Ans how is it possible for computer chips to have billions of transistors? 1.17K views 30 Ans how does fantasy football work? And why are so many US men obsessed with it? 2.27K views 4 Ans Eli5: Vector dot and cross products, what they are and what they’re used for 317 views 8 Ans What stops us from producing portable batteries for handheld devices like phones or laptops that would allow us to use such devices for weeks or months continuously? 596 views 2 Ans Eli5 Currency movement 394 views 26 Ans After WW2, where did the idea of going to the moon came from? 2.07K views 2 Ans Eli5: arbitrage betting 355 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,124 3,125 3,126 3,127 3,128 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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