Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 9 Ans Why do airplane wings have round leading edges? 784 views 3 Ans how can allergic reaction kick in so fast while medicine will show effect after some time 438 views 6 Ans How much did waiter/waitress get paid from employees/restaurants in the U.S. if not consider the tips from customers, like if we choose a random restaurant from a random town? 573 views 2 Ans eli5 How does the inside of an egg gets rotten that makes no sense at all 391 views 2 Ans everything about the DRS in f1 346 views 2 Ans Eli5 how come a chihuahua and a husky are genetically closer than a husky and a wolf ? 332 views 2 Ans Why does the Harvest Moon rise earlier? 573 views 27 Ans People are saying that The Pillars Of Creation have been destroyed, and will take 400-500 Million light years to reach us. Can someone explain how do we know it when the light hasn’t reached us? 2.09K views 5 Ans Why is our circadian sleep cycle 24 hours?? 545 views 4 Ans Eli5: how do blank printer checks work ? Are they premade blank checks, or can you printer them out ready to use for your business? 514 views 5 Ans Eli5: Why can’t the wave-like behavior of photons through a slit be explained by the photon coming too close to the edge of the slit, being influenced by gravity or the strong nuclear force of the atoms in the slit material, thus causing it to change it’s trajectory and only appear wave-like? 559 views 10 Ans A Valve is between two inequally inflated balloons. If we open the Valve, the air from the bigger balloon should go to the smaller one to make them equal, instead all the air goes in the bigger one. 796 views 8 Ans Eli5 : if pressure is due to the size of the column of fluid above, why is it not lighter inside ? 723 views 5 Ans Eli5: Calories. How do they work with weight? Would 100 calories of sugar be the same as 100 calories of protein? How many would result in gaining or losing a inch off your waist? 444 views 8 Ans A tropical storm picks up seawater and gains strength. When it makes landfall the rain is freshwater. Where does all the salt go? 487 views 1 Ans Why do babies have a relatively big scrotum? 243 views 5 Ans eli5 why can you cook raw food in a slow cooker, but can’t reheat leftovers? 341 views 5 Ans How do Wi-Fi Signals travel through walls and obstacles? 354 views 2 Ans Eli5 how do we know what the core of distant planets are made of 244 views 7 Ans Why do exchange rates matter if items have equivalent costs in the respective countries? (more inside) 403 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,144 3,145 3,146 3,147 3,148 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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