Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 16 Ans Why is an electric cord with two plug end (and no ‘outlet’ end) so cursed and could it have a use even if it’s kind of pointless? 1.82K views 23 Ans Eli5: how do people hear musical notes? 2.62K views 8 Ans Eli5 what exactly is the technical reason that prevents WhatsApp from being installed on an iPad? 1.02K views 10 Ans What actually are fog and mist? 1.33K views 12 Ans Bodybuilding / Bulking / Nutrition question 1.61K views 4 Ans Why do Linux distros weight so much in average (>3GB), when minidistributions like SliTaz or DSL weight like a few MB doing almost the same things? 721 views 2 Ans What is the maximal lactate steady state in exercise? 578 views 4 Ans Why is the 18-49 demographic used for ratings so wide? Wouldn’t a more narrow demographic give better info? 742 views 33 Ans eli5: would adding more lanes to a freeway/busy street really ease congestion or would you still get bottlenecks? 3.13K views 21 Ans why do gas car engines idle at such a high rpm? 2.43K views 7 Ans How are numbers manipulated in a trigonometric function? 883 views 6 Ans Eli5: Why is the harvest moon orange but all other full moons are not? 891 views 10 Ans Eli5 when were meat cuts invented? 1.05K views 6 Ans How does a semi automatic clutch for motorcycles work without the need for a hand lever clutch? 911 views 4 Ans How does microchimerism work if cells are constantly regenerating? 646 views 28 Ans How is there a limit to the space between atoms? 2.71K views 22 Ans How does the URL on YouTube videos know that the unique part of the URL is case-sensitive? 2.46K views 12 Ans Eli5 the mechanics and concept of shorting stocks 1.59K views 7 Ans how do you remove rust with a laser? 871 views 3 Ans Why do we feel little shocks when touching somebody in malls? 656 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,185 3,186 3,187 3,188 3,189 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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