Categories Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 5 Ans why is light green/blue the standard hospital colour? 571 views 5 Ans How does a car get air in order to run the engine? 555 views 3 Ans [ELI5] do all similar flavors taste exactly the same? 431 views 4 Ans Why do colors mix and not stay separate? 475 views 2 Ans Eli5 Alcohol double vision vs Glasses 455 views 3 Ans How does FEMA disaster loans for homeowners work 437 views 1 Ans Fence posts appearing to disappear when driving past. 329 views 22 Ans If all HDMI cables are basically the same design, pinout, etc. how have they been able to double, quadruple, etc. the bandwidth on them over time? 1.69K views 3 Ans ElI5: Aluminum foil one side shiny other side dull 414 views 16 Ans Baseball Balk Rule 1.30K views 7 Ans Why marketing often includes faces/people when selling something? 372 views 27 Ans exactly how do tax refunds work? 1.76K views 3 Ans How do bicycle gears work? And why is the large gear hardest on the front and the small gear hardest on the back? 433 views 19 Ans How do we actually know what the time is? Is there some “master clock” that all time zones are based on? And if so, what does THAT clock refer to? 1.41K views 17 Ans Why is sexual assault one of hardest crime to defend against yet one of the hardest to prosecute? 1.17K views 3 Ans Eli5 Animals can lay in the sun for hours, how do they not get burned or sick? 410 views 8 Ans Millions of dollars being poured into politics. How is this affecting the economy? 712 views 12 Ans How are frozen dinners that are supposed to be heated up in their plastic containers, FDA approved? 706 views 8 Ans Why do back injuries take longer to heal compared to other muscular injuries? 412 views 8 Ans Why does the Computational Power of Chips grow somewhat formulaic without major Spikes? 421 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,097 3,098 3,099 3,100 3,101 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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