Categories Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 12 Ans If Olympus Mons definitively the tallest / largest mountain in our solar system, how do we know the gas giants don’t have similar or larger mountains underneath their thick atmospheres? 731 views 4 Ans How did the US dollar dominated the world wide trade ? 326 views 9 Ans How deep does my property go? 443 views 4 Ans Storm Surge 340 views 2 Ans How did Marie curie find radium, polonium, and radioactivity? 279 views 4 Ans Why can you hear clearly out of your ears one second and then suddenly have one of them “start ringing” with no change in the audio environment around you?? 337 views 8 Ans why do hurricanes spin counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere? 441 views 5 Ans how does one “obtain” neutrons to fire at atomic nuclei? 394 views 2 Ans Eli5 where is Basque from 233 views 3 Ans is snoozing good for you? 306 views 9 Ans Eli5 What is the difference between a plastic surgeon and a cosmetic surgeon? Is one more qualified than the other? 466 views 6 Ans Eli5: Why do elements look and behave so differently? 422 views 2 Ans What exactly IS a hurricane? 229 views 2 Ans what the settings on a washing machine do. Does the color cycle really do something different than setting it whites? 226 views 6 Ans Let’s say we are driving from A to B. The beginning of the drive starts with a steep uphill, but the remaining drive is long and downhill. Points A and B are the same elevation. Which direction (A to B or B to A) is more energy efficient (less fuel consumption)? Or is it maybe equal? 364 views 4 Ans [eli5] If genetics passed down from generation carry the anatomy of the creature, how does genetics pass down behaviors/instincts? 293 views 8 Ans what happens in the brain when someone is having a migraine? 428 views 5 Ans How can the universe be 13.7bln years old if time depends on your frame of reference? Could others “think” it’s older or younger? 511 views 14 Ans eli5 Eggs in the supermarket state on the box “Double Yolk”. Without cracking them, how do they know….? 1.28K views 8 Ans Why can’t PS5/Xbox discs be copied and shared? Like they have some special discs but can’t they be manufactured as fakes and still work? 640 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,099 3,100 3,101 3,102 3,103 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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