Categories Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 36 Ans Eli5: Why do you use “they” for non-gendered speech instead of “it”? 2.67K views 6 Ans Eli5: Why do a lot of international agreements last for exactly 99 years? 541 views 20 Ans How come paper cups can hold hot coffee for hours, but a paper straw turns to mush after 10 mins? 1.50K views 7 Ans How do retailers account for the debt incurred by issuing gift cards that are never redeemed? 613 views 15 Ans why are all craters on the moon round? You would think that most would look elongated or elliptical depending on the angle of impact. 1.25K views 8 Ans Why were earlier gaming consoles region locked? 647 views 31 Ans Why can bands play for hours often utilizing different instruments without ever looking at sheet music, but orchestra musicians always read from sheet music? 2.27K views 13 Ans eli5 what are “natural flavors” and why aren’t they described exactly 1.20K views 18 Ans How did living things come from non living things 1.49K views 21 Ans Refrigerate after opening, but not before? 1.75K views 9 Ans how does a water bomber for fighting forest fires ingest all that water? Do the pilots have to keep adding more power as the plane’s weight changes to prevent it from dropping into the water? 707 views 5 Ans How are quartz crystals used to store information? 530 views 6 Ans Why do we smile when we’re nervous? 643 views 5 Ans How do weather people/scientists know how much it has rained 453 views 11 Ans How do mental health professionals determine whether or not an alleged criminal is sane enough to stand trial? 1.05K views 2 Ans Eli5 how is the speed of a hurricane measured? 352 views 3 Ans How do waveforms recorded and imprinted onto film get converted into actual audio and vice versa? 394 views 5 Ans Why does shrink wrap shrink when heated, instead of expand? 493 views 6 Ans What is a “fake elector”? 492 views 1 Ans Developing film into photographs. 498 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,118 3,119 3,120 3,121 3,122 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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