Categories Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 6 Ans Why is the standard temperature for ovens and so many recipes 350 degrees fahrenheight? 624 views 1 Ans eli5 How do starfish hunt? 328 views 3 Ans How the does body fight sinus infections? 391 views 4 Ans How does Viagra (and others) work? 589 views 17 Ans eli5 What’s the difference between a police officer and a sheriff? 1.53K views 14 Ans If planes fly empty to maintain their airport slots, does it mean that people massively deciding to fly less wouldn’t change a thing? 1.30K views 3 Ans How does ICANN control the internet? 393 views 3 Ans Eli5 the difference between simulation theory and holographic principle 404 views 4 Ans How does nitrogen narcosis work? 507 views 27 Ans what cause the great depression 1929-1933 2.13K views 4 Ans How do the environmentalist who glue their hand in cement for protest get it out safely afterwards, is there any permanent damage after cutting it out of concrete? 445 views 4 Ans What are the pros and cons of inflation? 478 views 4 Ans eli5 how do LLM models of the size of few GBs have information about almost everything? 528 views 10 Ans human powered dynamos for infinite energy? 722 views 28 Ans If someone committed a crime in Antartica, what would happen to them? 2.22K views 2 Ans [ELI5] What does LOC mode do on a aircraft? 398 views 21 Ans ElI5: Money Laundering: Those US candy shops on UK High Streets, How are they money laundering, what is it and how is it so well known? 1.72K views 3 Ans What are lips made of? What’s inside them? 410 views 1 Ans Aerogels, can they be used to conduct electricity? 343 views 6 Ans Why can’t computers predict the weather far into the future? 534 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,125 3,126 3,127 3,128 3,129 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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