Categories Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans Eli5 What’s mux switch in computers 248 views 4 Ans What are the functions and uses of guitar compressor pedals? 255 views 21 Ans How do motor cross riders know how fast to hit a ramp/jump to land safely on the downramp? 787 views 7 Ans how does turbulence work with flying? 350 views 20 Ans – why doesn’t the water in our pipes get bacteria/viruses in it? 898 views 4 Ans What is the actual science behind smart meters? How do they convert the flow of gas & electricity into digital data and how do we know they are accurate? 265 views 6 Ans The concept of expected value in the context of valuations 361 views 27 Ans General Anesthesia 1.23K views 3 Ans How does mining rights work? 238 views 5 Ans eli5 why motors need drivers and cannot be powered directly or with potentiometer 316 views 20 Ans – How and why does the intermittent fasting style of food management or dieting work exactly? 936 views 6 Ans What is protein exacly and what is the use 346 views 2 Ans Eli5 :How can you generally approximate what the impact forces and time frame of impulse will be in a collision, using both momentum and kinetic energy ? 221 views 6 Ans : how do researchers find the sound of dead languages with just the written text without ever hearing it. 288 views 1 Ans Eli5-What causes the laughing gas to make us laugh? 235 views 3 Ans Digital proof 266 views 12 Ans Why were loudspeakers used during the Vietnam War? 864 views 1 Ans How do electromagnetic breaks work on Drop Tower rollercoasters? 216 views 2 Ans If Cancer Antigen test results range from 0-35 , does a result other than 0 predict cancer? 250 views 2 Ans eli5: How does a letter get from its origin to its destination? 227 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,136 3,137 3,138 3,139 3,140 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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