Categories Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 5 Ans Eli5: Do fields (magnetic, EM etc) radiate in a 360 degree (ball shaped type) manner or is it a “2D” movement? 418 views 3 Ans eli5:How do wells work? Are they small pockets of waters connected to each other with a network? 311 views 7 Ans “If the universe is expanding uniformly in all directions, why would objects farther away appear to recede faster? 438 views 6 Ans how mathematicians “prove” that mathematical proofs, such as the Pythagorean Theorem, are true for any input? 457 views 21 Ans If the stars we see are light from millions of light years away and they see our Sun’s light the same, is the whole universe “existing” in the same time? 1.17K views 2 Ans eli5: Why do antidepressants act on receptors or otherwise go through an intermediate step instead of giving you, say, serotonin directly? 314 views 23 Ans eli5: If vitamins are things considered essential to human life, why is salt not considered a vitamin? 1.32K views 2 Ans Eli5 –> Speed of Gravity and GW170817 – Why was it a big deal anyway and won the Breakthrough of the Year award for 2017 267 views 5 Ans How does nasal spray actually work? 489 views 7 Ans why do trees change to orange during autumn FROM TOP TO BOTTOM first? 497 views 7 Ans lug nuts for personal vehicles vs race cars 449 views 7 Ans – how do we know when eating or drinking something with protein, that the protein on the label is actually the amount you are ingesting. 441 views 3 Ans How do we get oxygen readings from external sources? 342 views 4 Ans Eli5 why fluorescent and neon colors glow brighter under black light then other colors 372 views 1 Ans what are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and how do astronomers use them to study star forming regions? 272 views 3 Ans Cold vs hot coffee 375 views 3 Ans Eli5: what does lotion do? 367 views 4 Ans eli5 – chemical process that turns bacon fat opaque while cooking? 335 views 38 Ans Why do mobile phones, TVs and computers advance so much but domestic appliances don’t? 2.04K views 3 Ans when you try to remember something, you often see/feel what it is for a second, then forget it again. How can your brain know the answer and ‘suggest’ it to you before you actually remember it? 281 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,152 3,153 3,154 3,155 3,156 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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