Questions Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 17 Ans Why are dinosaurs buried so deep? Did rock form over them? 599 views 26 Ans Eli5 What is executive disfunction? 701 views 22 Ans Eli5: What exactly is auditing in accounting? 951 views 10 Ans How does reducing surface area increase traction? 402 views 7 Ans Eli5: How do whales or other heavy marine animals jump out of water? 345 views 7 Ans How does the “Forgot Password” function work on the back-end? 309 views 26 Ans How did the British overrule the rulers of a nation and colonized said nation? 779 views 2 Ans why does mint make everything feel/taste cold? 206 views 12 Ans eli5 why pdf files are “Madness inside.” 510 views 3 Ans – Why should we not constantly be worried about mosquitoes carrying diseases? 218 views 4 Ans If we are running out of transistors to place on a chip then why not just make the chips bigger? 216 views 3 Ans – Why do our arms move the way they do, when we run fast? 216 views 14 Ans Why do cars in movies from the 60’s and 70’s seem so bouncy? The suspension seems really loose, was there a reason for this? 455 views 2 Ans What is the importance of the USA’s Fitch credit rating, and what will the consequences be for the rating downgrade from AAA to AA+? 261 views 28 Ans Why do domestic dishwasher cycles take hours instead of being extremely fast like commercial dishwashers? 765 views 5 Ans Dead batteries in a remote why do they work when you spin them for a moment? 288 views 7 Ans Why can’t we amplify the temperature that solar panel receives from the sun to create more energy? 339 views 1 Ans Eli5: Why do we get runny noses with colds? 183 views 3 Ans eli5 doppler effect 226 views 29 Ans Can anyone explain inductive vs deductive reasoning to me. 912 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,056 3,057 3,058 3,059 3,060 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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