Questions Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 9 Ans Eli5 why companies in good financial health should care about growth and investors 506 views 2 Ans horse saddles and understanding terms 369 views 5 Ans What does simmering food do differently than boiling? 362 views 10 Ans How does sticking weirdly shaped foam blocks on the walls of a room make noise hard to hear from inside and out? 545 views 9 Ans eli5 How does the sound barrier break when planes fly? What is the boom? Plane accumulating wind or what is happening? 731 views 28 Ans Why is the replacement level for population considered 2.1 and not 2? 1.36K views 10 Ans Why do bigger companies need a CEO? 628 views 2 Ans Eli5: What is the purpose of a dry cough? 320 views 8 Ans what’s the difference between a doctor and a nurse practitioner? 476 views 1 Ans Why are some fruits able to ripe even after leaving the tree but some are not? 293 views 4 Ans What is a detonation engine and how does it work? 445 views 1 Ans How does a windowing compositor make fancy effects like transparency, window blurring and window animations? 388 views 18 Ans Is there a specific size range for intelligent life under biological constraints, or could smart aliens be as much smaller than bugs or much larger than whales? 896 views 3 Ans eli5 Oedipal and Electra complexes 348 views 3 Ans why would a company make a minimum cloud spending commitment (say, Microsoft Azure)? 302 views 4 Ans Eli5:- Carbon Credits. Why do they exist? What’s their purpose? How do they work? Is it a fad? 691 views 29 Ans Eli5 If the equation for force is F=ma why does dropping the same object from 2 different heights change how much an object would be crushed? 1.62K views 2 Ans Enantiomers 329 views 21 Ans Why is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter important? 1.06K views 3 Ans Eli5 that how does a blood glucose test work? 352 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,188 3,189 3,190 3,191 3,192 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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