Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 3 Ans Why is pi pi? Why not another letter? 226 views 3 Ans Why do servers usually use a lot of ram but not so much cpu? 308 views 8 Ans What’s so special about clawfoot tubs? 450 views 2 Ans Eli5 how do mantis shrimp punch as hard and fast as a bullet from a gun? 263 views 1 Ans ELI5- How can my phone screen be a screen and read my fingerprint? 260 views 3 Ans ELi5: Would bringing deep sea creatures to the surface kill them due to lower pressure the same way we would be killed if we didn’t have a suite in space? 308 views 6 Ans How do supercomputers work? Like I assume nasa and big govt have is it like a pc where you can play the best games best specs etc ? 365 views 6 Ans how do you test if a bot like LaMDA is sentient? 338 views 10 Ans Why do bars prefer to have women in the bar over men? 480 views 1 Ans Why are some areas of the moon so much more pelleted by meteor strikes than other areas? 221 views 2 Ans How ISP connect each other? 220 views 5 Ans ELI5- what’s the difference between the temperature and the “real feel?” 336 views 3 Ans Why are things shinier when slightly molten? 310 views 5 Ans how can game developers update physical games (discs etc.) if the game is already on the disc? 313 views 4 Ans what’s the difference between HSP(or SPS) and Autism? 345 views 4 Ans How are gamma rays used to treat cancer if they cause cancer? 383 views 5 Ans Eli5: How can a bullet wound to the head affect the victims personality even after they’ve recovered from the wound? 367 views 1 Ans Eli5 They say our brains always work in a way to protect us and keep us away from danger/harmful situations .. 193 views 6 Ans When transferring money, where is it exactly after it disappears from one account and before it appears in the other? 545 views 7 Ans How do you communicate with unauthorized/unidentified aircraft? 535 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,348 2,349 2,350 2,351 2,352 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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