Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 7 Ans why all planet orbiting sun. Not falling into it same with iss in outer space of earth . 436 views 21 Ans eli5: If water is non-compressible, then why not use it in hydraulic machines instead of hydraulic oil? 948 views 1 Ans What is the difference between the radiant flux and the luminosity of a star? 215 views 1 Ans What is the difference between the radiant flux and the luminosity of a star? 198 views 4 Ans How come there’s such extreme difference in quality between flagship state universities? 343 views 2 Ans where did the “bald gene” come from? How did it develop? 307 views 1 Ans What does “low default cash sweep rate” mean? 262 views 15 Ans Why is most cereal inside a plastic bag inside a cardboard box, when it doesn’t seemingly need the cardboard box? 886 views 7 Ans eli5 Why does the phone seem to lose battery faster when it’s below 20%? 495 views 3 Ans Eli5 Why are turbo’s always shaped the same? 322 views 1 Ans the meaning behind this quote by Aristotle 264 views 32 Ans What is a loaded question? 1.65K views 3 Ans How do we know the age of continental rocks if the crust is always changing? 358 views 15 Ans What is “cash back” in regards to credit cards? 691 views 4 Ans why is it much colder in the poles if the sun is so far away anyway, shouldn’t it not make any difference? 308 views 12 Ans What led to the decline of unions? 779 views 2 Ans Why does having a longer loop of Henle help camels converse water? 379 views 7 Ans Why do all exterior angles on a polygon add up to 360 when the interior changes depending on sides? 445 views 5 Ans How is the escape velocity formula derived? 383 views 9 Ans There are no colors that can mix into primary colors, but how can a color form if it’s not mixed with other colors? 0 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,350 2,351 2,352 2,353 2,354 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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